What is the difference between trust and estate planning?
Although many people use the terms interchangeably, there is actually a difference between trust and estate planning. Trusts can be used to give property to someone during his or her life, so it will go upon death according to his or her wishes. Estates on the other hand are planned for after someone passes away. The difference between the two is that a trust might only last for a limited time, whereas an estate can be planned to last in perpetuity.
The many States have abolished these distinctions by statute. But, do you know when it is appropriate to use either one? If not, contact At the MLG Business Litigation Group today. Trusts and estates litigation lawyer Coral Gables can help you make a decision for your unique situation.
This distinction is important because the law on trusts and estate varies by state. Whether you hire At the MLG Business Litigation Group to draft a trust or plan an estate, it is best to do so with an attorney who understands Florida's laws. At MLG Business, we offer trust and estates litigation lawyer Coral Gables who will work with you to determine whether a trust or an estate is right for your needs.
If you want to learn more about trust and estates, contact MLG Business Litigation Group today. Trust and Estates Litigation Lawyer Coral Gables can help guide you in creating the perfect plan for both of these life events.
If you are interested in trust and estates, contact MLG Business Litigation Group today. Trust and Estates Litigation Lawyer Coral Gables can help guide you through the process of creating your perfect plan for this life event. You can give property during someone's lifetime with a trust,
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