slip and fall for a law firm in Linden often occur in places where many people usually go to such as a restaurant. If you are a restaurant owner, you must be knowledgeable about premises liability. Slip and falls which lead to an injury on the premises of your business or property can constitute a personal injury case if you are liable for the accident. You must at all times make your place safe for your customers if you want to avoid this legal predicament.
In order to know if you are liable for a slip and fall accident that happens in your restaurant, you need to know some factors that caused the fall. In the first place, the location of the accident should be established.
There are many risky conditions that lead to this type of accident. Below are some examples of hazardous conditions:
1. Wet or slippery floor
2. Torn or unstable carpet or mat
3. Poor lighting
4. Changes in the flooring or walking surface
5. Lacking handrails on staircases
6. Cluttered pathway
7. Missing steps
In case these conditions are evident in your restaurant, then you are most likely liable for slip and fall accident. Make sure your place does not have these hazards if you want to stay away from a potential legal predicament with your customers.
Risky conditions can also be present outside of your restaurant which can likewise make you liable for any accident. You should conduct a regular check of the exterior part of your place. Look into the pathway if is well lit. The pathway should be clutter-free because many slips, trips, and falls occur because of obstacles on the pathway. Obstacles can be in the form of a trash can or wire that cannot be seen easily by the visitor.
The owner of the restaurant can be held liable for any injury sustained by a visitor to the place if he or she was negligent in fixing repairs that could have avoided the injury. A slip and fall case from the Law Offices of Charney & Roberts LLC in Linden is a complex one. In this regard, you should get a personal injury lawyer who will fight for you in case you become a victim of slipping and tripping in a public place. On the other hand, the lawyer of the restaurant will make an attempt to prove that the victim was reckless during the time of the accident. Your lawyer, in return, has to fight the claim and attempt to prove that the liability is with the restaurant owner.
Directions To Our Linden, NJ Personal injury Attorney Law Firm
Law Offices of Charney & Roberts LLC
840 N Wood Ave
Linden, NJ, 07036
Phone: (908) 925-8300